Read Quran in 30 Days

That’s right. 30 days.

No complicated jargon. No complex words. An innovative Quranic syllabus that has been perfected for the native English speaker

On-demand content to suit your schedule, step-by-step videos to simplify new ideas, unique teaching styles to reinforce concepts, a dynamic question bank of more than 500 practice questions with reviews and much more…

Lesson 1 | Alif, Baa, Taa & Thaa

Student Testimonials

Why choose Zidna Education?

On-demand content | Take control and organise studies around your daily schedule & commitments
Reinforce learning | An extensive & expanding question-bank of over 500 questions & reviews
Real-time feedback | Instant marking to identify & improve gaps in understanding and make progress
Innovative Syllabus | A unique and interactive approach scattered with visual aids and useful tips & tricks